Fire hose testing (9/7) & Water main flushing (9/11 & 9/12)
From Chief Hindt at Sheldon Fire Co:
Sheldon Fire Company will be doing its annual hose testing on Saturday, September 7th. We will be starting at 7am and lasting until mid-afternoon. This is an NFPA requirement that we pressure test our fire hoses annually. We want citizens to be aware that there could be some discoloration in the water system during this time. Please take caution when washing white or delicate clothing items. Also use caution when driving near the Fire Station.
From our Dave Andringa, our Water Supt: The City of Sheldon Water Department will be flushing water mains on Wednesday, September 11 and Thursday, September 12. We will be doing this from 11pm to 7am. There will be discoloration in the water during and after the flushing process. Try to limit the use of water during this time and use caution doing laundry as well.